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Fall Prevention Program
Falls Can Be Devastating
Falls are a major problem within the senior community.
1 in 3 adults over the age of 65 fall each year
75% of injuries in seniors are fall related.
For seniors who have experienced a fall in the past, it doubles their chances of falling again in the future.
For those seniors that have fallen before, even if it does not result in injury, they become afraid of falling again. This fear causes them to cut down on their daily activities in order to keep themselves out of situations where they might fall.
The byproduct of cutting down on daily activity is that they become weaker and as a result they become more susceptible to falling.
Research has helped to identify the main risk factors that contribute to falling. These risk factors include:
Lower body weakness
Difficulties with walking and balance
Vision problems and impairment
Vestibular disorders
What We're Doing About It
Current solutions focus on getting seniors more active, but are not yielding great enough outcomes, and because the current form of testing is done subjectively, it is difficult to pinpoint where the improvement or degradation is.
Research has identified that reaction time and speed are the two strongest indicators of a seniors risk for falling, and that deceleration is also crucial, as it demonstrates the users ability to plant, stop, and change direction. With the help of TRAZER, we are able to objectively identify and train the deficiencies that cause a person to fall, and as a result, we are able to decrease the risk for falls. When a seniors acuity begins to diminish, their quality of life is greatly decreased. Activities of daily life are tougher to accomplish without assistance which results in a patient losing their independence, or having to move on to a higher level of care.
An independent fall prevention study was conducted by Barry University at Victoria Nursing & Rehabilitation in Miami, Florida. Each senior did a one-minute TRAZER exercise 4 days a week, and a five-minute TRAZER exercise on the 5th day.
This is an example of the improvement seen from a patient after only 16 days of use.

TRAZER's Solution
After TRAZER has identified a seniors deficiencies through the monitoring of their movements, we are able to put each individual through a fall prevention program. The goal of the program is to improve a seniors stability, as well as increasing their mental awareness, depth perception, endurance and reaction time.
TRAZER Objectively Tracks Data
Seniors who move less than 3.28 ft/sec are at high risk for falls
Seniors with reaction times over 1 second are at high risk for falls
Objective data tracks progress
Changes in performance are tracked over time
Data documents need for remediation and/or further therapy
Data identifies at-risk seniors to reduce total fall and injury rate
The asssessments offered on TRAZER includes exercises such as:
Chair Sit to Stand
Timed Up and Go
Lateral Agility Assessment and Reactive Agility Assessment
GPA 120
4-Stage Balance Testing
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