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TRAZER’s five key reports for each assessment and rehabilitation protocol highlight functional movement imbalances that may be caused by cognitive issues, such as a concussion. Whether the user is an athlete tracking performance improvements, or someone who has suffered an injury, TRAZER assessments compare their movement data over time to show progression or degradation. If a TRAZER healthy baseline assessment is part of the record, it can be used post-injury to assist the individual in return-to-play or work decisions. An injured baseline assessment early in the rehab process, followed by periodic assessments, shows progress over time.



Objectively tracks and quantifies the subject’s Balance Error Scoring System. The subject assumes three different postures, each for 20 seconds, while standing on firm ground. TRAZER objectively quantifies errors a clinician would mark subjectively, and adds a stability measurement in inches that the traditional BESS approach does not.

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The Compare Report

TRAZER tracks the subject’s movements in multiple directions and reports reaction time, speed, acceleration, deceleration, and heart rate in each vector to objectively compare day to day patient progress. The column on the far right features a color-coded percent of difference from day to day with red indicating a deficit, and green an improvement.


The Scorecard

Provides measures that can be used to motivate the subject and track progress, including the number of targets hit, total distance travelled, the average and max speed in miles per hour and calories burned. The right-hand column highlights percent deficit in red, and improvements in green.


TRAZER's Vector Analysis

Shows directional movement data as a graph. Four movement directions are reported, and the four diagonal measures can be added with a simple click. The report also gives lateral movement data comparisons, and a percent deficit calculation. This provides the clinician with a clear picture documenting patient movement imbalances.


Performance Timeline

The timeline is used during TRAZER’s Graded Test to illustrate the effects of a gradually increased speed on heart rate, reaction time, acceleration, and deceleration. This performance data can be compared from time to time to indicate patient improvement or degradations.

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